MxChat Perplexity Integration

MxChat Perplexity Integration

Version 1.0.1
Tested up to 6.4

Requires MxChat Pro

Enhance your MxChat AI chatbot with real-time web search capabilities powered by Perplexity AI.

== Description ==

MxChat Perplexity Integration is an add-on for the MxChat AI Chatbot plugin that brings powerful real-time web search capabilities to your WordPress site. By leveraging the Perplexity AI API, your chatbot can now search the web for up-to-date information and provide factual, well-sourced responses to your visitors.

Note: This plugin requires the MxChat core plugin and a Pro license to be activated.

Key Features

  • Real-time Web Search: Keep your chatbot's responses factually accurate and up-to-date with the latest information from the web
  • Two Response Modes: Choose between conversational responses or structured responses with source citations
  • One-Click Web Search: Toggle web search mode with a single click in the chat interface
  • Smart Intent Recognition: Automatically detects when users are asking for information that might need web search
  • Multiple AI Models: Select from various Perplexity models with different capabilities and context limits

How It Works

  1. Users ask your chatbot a question
  2. Perplexity AI searches the web for the most relevant and up-to-date information
  3. Your chatbot delivers a helpful, informative response using the search results
  4. In structured mode, sources are automatically cited so users know where the information came from

Perfect for businesses, educational institutions, and information-focused websites that need to provide accurate, up-to-date information to their visitors.

== Installation ==

  1. Upload the mxchat-perplexity folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to MxChat → Perplexity in your WordPress admin menu
  4. Enter your Perplexity API key (get one at
  5. Select your preferred model and response mode
  6. Go to MxChat → Intents to enable the Perplexity Research intent
  7. Train your chatbot with example phrases like "Search for..." or "Find information about..."

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Do I need a Perplexity API key? =

Yes, you need a Perplexity API key to use this plugin. You can get one by signing up at

= Will this work with the free version of MxChat? =

No, this integration requires an active MxChat Pro license to function.

= How much does the Perplexity API cost? =

Perplexity API pricing depends on the model you choose and your usage. Please check the Perplexity website for current pricing details.

= What's the difference between conversational and structured mode? =

Conversational mode delivers natural-sounding responses as if the chatbot already knew the information. Structured mode includes source citations and presents information in a more formal way with links to sources.

= Can I control when the web search is used? =

Yes! You can toggle web search mode with the Perplexity button in the chat interface. When enabled, all queries will use web search. When disabled, only queries that match the Perplexity Research intent will use web search.

= Does this slow down my chatbot? =

The web search adds a small delay (typically 2-5 seconds) as it searches the internet for information. However, this trade-off is worth it for the significantly improved accuracy and up-to-date information.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Perplexity Integration Settings Page
  2. Structured Response with Sources
  3. Web Search Toggle Button in Chat Interface
  4. Intent Training Examples

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =

  • Initial release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0.0 = Initial release of the MxChat Perplexity Integration plugin.

Plugin screenshot
Plugin screenshot

== Changelog == = 1.0.1 = * Update test

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