Store Locator by QDWP

Store Locator by QDWP

Version 1.0.1
Tested up to 6.4

A simple and professional store locator plugin that helps you display and manage store listings with search functionality.

== Description ==

Store Locator is a lightweight and user-friendly WordPress plugin that allows you to create and manage store listings on your website. Perfect for businesses with multiple locations, franchises, or any organization needing to display a list of stores or offices.

= Features =

  • Easy-to-use store management interface
  • Professional and responsive store listings
  • Search functionality to find stores quickly
  • Customizable display options
  • Shortcode support for flexible placement
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Pagination for better performance
  • Custom post type for stores
  • Store categorization support

= Basic Usage =

  1. Add stores through the admin panel
  2. Use the [store_locator] shortcode to display stores
  3. Customize appearance through settings
  4. Enable search functionality as needed

== Installation ==

  1. Upload the store-locator folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to 'Settings > Store Locator' to configure the plugin
  4. Add stores through the 'Stores' menu item
  5. Use the shortcode [store_locator] to display the store listing on any page

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I add a new store? =

  1. Go to 'Stores > Add New' in your WordPress admin
  2. Enter the store name as the title
  3. Fill in store details (address, phone, email, etc.) in the Store Details meta box
  4. Publish the store

= How do I display the store listing? =

Use the shortcode [store_locator] in any page or post where you want to display the store listing.

= Can I customize the appearance? =

Yes, you can customize the appearance through:

  1. Plugin settings in 'Settings > Store Locator'
  2. Custom CSS in your theme
  3. Template overrides (advanced)

= How many stores can I add? =

There is no limit to the number of stores you can add. The plugin uses pagination to ensure good performance.

= Is the plugin mobile-friendly? =

Yes, the plugin is fully responsive and works well on all devices.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Store listing page
  2. Admin interface
  3. Settings page
  4. Store details form
  5. Search functionality

== Changelog ==

= 1.0.0 =

  • Initial release
  • Basic store management functionality
  • Search feature
  • Responsive design
  • Shortcode support

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0.0 = Initial release of Store Locator plugin.

== Usage ==

= Basic Shortcode =

Use this shortcode to display the store listing: [store_locator]

= Shortcode Parameters =

  • per_page: Number of stores per page (default: 10)
  • search: Enable/disable search functionality (default: true)

Example: [store_locator per_page="20" search="true"]

= Template Tags =

Display store listing in theme files: ``

= CSS Customization =

The plugin includes default styles that can be customized through your theme's stylesheet. Main CSS classes:

  • .store-locator-wrapper: Main container
  • .store-locator-search: Search form
  • .store-item: Individual store listing
  • .store-details: Store information container

= Hooks and Filters =

Developers can extend the plugin using these hooks:

  • store_locator_init: Runs after plugin initialization
  • store_locator_before_search: Before search results
  • store_locator_after_search: After search results
  • store_locator_store_fields: Customize store fields

== Credits ==

Store Locator is developed and maintained by QuickDeployWP.

Plugin screenshot
Plugin screenshot
Plugin screenshot

Initial release

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